Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I place an order?

    You can order directly on our website at or via WhatsApp at +1(403)909-6820

    🛒Go to purchase products 
  • Why can’t I place an order?  

    Please feel free to contact us via email at or WhatsApp. We are here to help you with your order. We apologize for any inconvenience and aim to resolve issues promptly!

    📱 WhatsApp 
  • What happens after I place my order?  

    You will receive an email confirmation. If you don’t receive it, please check your spam folder.

  • How do you pay the deposit via e-transfer?

    Please send payment to This email is set up for auto-deposit. Please include your full name and order number in the notes section when sending the transfer.


Where do I pick up my order?  

  We have designated Free - Pick up Points and times in Toronto. Please check the details at Delivery info


Can I get a refund or cancel my order?  

  Orders can only be cancelled or refunded after placement if due to supplier issues.

What if the product is damaged?  

  While the packaging may be damaged in transit, if you receive a damaged item, please take a photo immediately and send it to us via WhatsApp at +1(403)909-6820 or email at 

We will respond as soon as possible.

Wholesale/Bulk Orders

Do you offer wholesale discounts?  

  Yes! Please get in touch with us via WhatsApp at +1(403)909-6820 or email at